I'm an Australian animator from Melbourne living and working in Halifax, Canada.

Currently Animation Supervisor for Copernicus Studio Inc., I amuse myself by terrifying the locals with ukulele fuelled spontaneous sing-alongs and using snow as shaving equipment.

If you want to see more you can check out webbot15.com, and we've also got a nice bunch of links below that'll take you wherever you want to go.

Nov 29, 2010

The Gordon Recognises Geelong

Yay! Three weeks of bumpy train travel and food court office space and it's finally done!
I was approached by the Gordon Insitiute of TAFE late October to create a 30-60 second animation promoting getting your skills assessed and certified. The Geelong Advertiser was also a media partner in this endeavour.

It was really fun to get back and do some frame-by-framing, though I forgot how much longer it takes. (and how much more the result is effected by bumpy train travel)
I even had a go at some effects animation!

My little brother helped my out big time by supplying some wicked circus beats for the music (which I butchered with my dodgy half-learned accordion and recorder playing)

You can expect more frequent posts now that this little chestnut is completed.
Hope everyone's having a great evening,